Armory Revival Corporation

The Armory Revival Company

The Armory Revival Company (TARC) has over 39 years of experience in planning, rehabbing and marketing historic buildings in southeastern New England.

Founded in 1986 in Providence’s historic Armory District, The Armory Revival Company has been a driving force in the revitalization of Providence’s West Side.

We have a passion for historic properties, for interesting design and for creating distinctive places to live and work.

All residential and commercial properties for rent or purchase are listed through Browse and search active listings there.

Featured Loft Apartments

Most links take you to
Rising Sun Mills
Pearl Street Lofts
West Fountain Lofts
Calender Mills
The Plant
Solara (Tiverton, RI)

Contact Us

TARC: 334 Broadway, Providence RI.
PH: (401) 272-2720
FX: (401) 421-6776
EMAIL: (general)